Everyone is holding their breath this week waiting for the Senate to finally vote on the Cannabis Act. By all indications, the vote will be positive which means that the provinces can move forward with their preparations for the legalization of recreational cannabis. So what can consumers expect when they finally get to walk into …
What Steps Should your Company Controllers Be Taking for GDPR Compliance?
You may have read recent media reports about the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which came into force on May 25, 2018. This legislation aims to enhance individuals’ protection from privacy and data breaches and improve how organizations approach data privacy. Practically speaking, the GDPR will impact individuals and companies around the world, not …
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How to Develop a Cyber Attack Incident Response Plan – A List of Key Considerations
Along with my colleagues on the Dickinson Wright Cybersecurity Team, I recently attended the Incident Response Forum in Washington, D.C. The Forum, sponsored by Dickinson Wright, brought together the top government cyber-prosecutors and cyber-investigators, attorneys and experts who specialize in data breach response. These experts discussed the most important and timely data breach response topics. After …
About our Blog
Hello and welcome to our Dickinson Wright Canada-U.S. Business Law Blog. We are very happy to be launching this business and legal resource for leaders and managers with Canadian or cross-border legal interests. Before I dive into what this blog is all about, let me introduce Dickinson Wright Canada and myself. I’m the Managing Partner …