The Canadian government has now announced that October 3, 2022, is the date on which significant changes to the Canadian Patent Rules, which we had previously reported, will come into force. The changes will streamline examination procedures by instituting excess claims fees, by instituting a procedure for requesting continued examination, and by introducing conditional notices …
Financial Product Differentiation Using Patents – A Canadian Example (Part 2)
As I mentioned in my previous post, quant and TOBAM funder Yves Choueifaty’s journey towards securing a Canadian patent for his process of constructing “anti-benchmark” securities portfolios has not been easy. But first, a quick detour. Many companies have secured Canadian financial system patents. For example: TD-Bank: 36 patents in block chain, machine learning, recommendations, …
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Financial Product Differentiation Using Patents – A Canadian Example (Part 1)
Lightbulbs, bike gears, corkscrews, drilling rigs, TV towers, computer chips, medicine, and cleaning supplies. That’s the kind of stuff patents are for, right? Patents are only applied-for by those white-coated toilers frowning at lab benches, by those strange tinkerers in their dusty garages, and by those hoody-clad Silicon Valley campus-dwellers carting their chaotic circuit boards, …
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